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Question CMS About Section GG

I had the lucky privilege of attending the August 2016 SNF QRP Training by CMS. (This video was finally released on May 2017!)

My question to CMS regarding Section GG Item RR & SS is the last one at the 2:02 mark, just before the video ends. If 'usual performance' is to be considered and a resident uses both manual wheelchair and motorized wheelchair (scooter), how are the items coded? I have encountered residents who alternately use both but these items only makes us pick one: manual wheelchair or motorized wheelchair. Anyway, considering the other clarifications released by CMS AFTER the final RAI manual version 1.14, this issue is so minute at this point.

This video may also have the answer to the question "Do we need all 3 days of data for the Start of PPS assessment?"

Disclaimer: If closed caption is used, my name will appear incorrectly as "Mary Jane from MDS RAI Pfizer LA". I am in no way connected with Pfizer or the Pfizer trademark.

Credit: Video by

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