MARCH 19-21, 2025
APRIL 23-25, 2025
MAY 27-29, 2025
(PRINTED MDS manual included!)

​Get trained by a seasoned instructor with more than 18 years of MDS Coordinator experience during her 30 years in the nursing field!
This MDS (Minimum Data Set) Course is for beginners or those with decades of MDS experience who need to show proof of formal MDS training of the current MDS updates in Non-Case Mix States such as California, Hawaii, Florida, Alaska, etc.
All of the chapters in the RAI manual (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Long Term Care Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 User's Manual) will be discussed.
State-specific instructions such as State Case-Mix calculation for RUG-III or RUG-IV will not be reviewed because those are no longer in the RAI manual.
LTC Facilities, SNF and non-Critical Access Hospital Swing Bed Interdisciplinary Team (RN, LVN, DSD, SSD, AD, DSS, RD, Rehab Dept., DON, MRD, CNA, BOM, Administrator), any MDS-involved staff, MDS Coordinator, MDS Nurse Assistant, Dept. of Health Evaluators, MDS Consultants, MDS Auditors- beginners and experienced, from the Non-Case Mix States such as California.
MDS/RAI Advisor.
1) PRINTED HARDCOPY of most recent version CMS RAI User's Manual*: All MDS nurses & MDS-involved staff MUST have this RAI manual to learn the exact wording of instructions. This is not a "training manual" of slides and rephrased instructions. This is the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Long Term Care Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 User's Manual, the RAI (MDS) manual considered to be the "Bible" of MDS Nurses.
2) MDS course training materials*: Printed worksheets, sample forms and other guides used during the training.
3) Certificate of Completion with 13 CE contact hours for California LVNs, not just for RNs: MDS/RAI Advisor is a State-Approved provider of continuing education contact hours; therefore, the CE contact hours are valid with States that accept State-approved providers. And, yes, our MDS course is the ONLY one that provides contact hours to LVNs!
4) More than 25 digital files provided: An MDS Coordinator, or any MDS-involved staff, should be familiar with these digital files (guides, manuals, forms) to make their work lives easier. (Sent via email or flash drive, while supplies last.)
No other MDS Training is providing these materials!
ATTN LVNs/RNs: MDS/RAI Advisor is the only live MDS training available to the public in California that provides CE contact hours to LVNs, as well as to RNs.
MDS/RAI Advisor is a provider approved by the California Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians, Provider Number V10855 and California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider CEP Number 16627 for 13 contact hours. LVN/RN must attend the full scheduled days of MDS 3.0 Training to avail. (To verify the course approval with the appropriate Board of Nursing, click on links.)
Day 1: This Introduction to the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0/Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) was developed specifically for individuals with little to no experience with the MDS and will show how the MDS 3.0 stimulates high-quality care and positively impacts survey outcomes when used as a tool involving the Interdisciplinary Team to improve care. Focus of training will be on defining MDS 3.0 assessments, item-by-item coding, timing and scheduling.
Day 2: Item-by-item instructions will continue to be discussed with sample scenarios, including calculating Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and other MDS items for accurate documentation and for optimal reimbursement under the Prospective Payment System currently being used- Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) and discussion of how the IMPACT (Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation) Act has affected the RAI process.
Day 3: MDS 3.0 not only impacts high-quality of care but also drives reimbursement. Day 3 will finish item-by-item coding instructions. The rest of the day will cover Care Area Assessment (CAA), care planning decisions, Medicare A skilled covered conditions, calculating MDS items for PDPM, roles of the Interdisciplinary Team in PPS and MDS coding affecting MDS-related reports such as Quality Measures and Five-Star Rating System.
Upon completion of the course, the attendee will be able to:
DAY 1:
1. State the purpose of the RAI (Resident Assessment Instrument) User’s Manual.
2. Identify the three basic components of the RAI.
3. State at least 2 purposes of the MDS (Minimum Data Set) Assessment.
4. State the three criteria that determine a significant change in status.
DAY 2:
1. State the purpose of the Resident Interview process.
2. State the primary goal of the IMPACT (Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation) Act.
3. Identify where MDS-involved staff are required to sign certifying accuracy and/or completion.
4. Identify documentation requirements for appropriate MDS coding relative to the ARD (Assessment Reference Date) according to the latest RAI version.
DAY 3:
1. Identify the documentation needed in the Care Area Assessment (CAA) summary for effective Care Plan decision making.
2. Describe the role of the RAI relative to the Prospective Payment System (PPS) under the Patient- Driven Payment Model (PDPM).
3. Describe how signs and symptoms of Depression can affect plan of care and PPS reimbursement.
4. Describe the relationship between MDS Assessment accuracy and regulatory compliance and Quality Measures.
If you need to convert to your own time zone, check here: https://dateful.com/time-zone-converter
(7:45am - "Room" opens for morning session for audio/video check. Tip: The link to the event will not work on multiple devices simultaneously during the event but it can be set-up and readied for use.)
8:00am - Class starts promptly.
8am-12pm - Morning session.
12pm -1pm - Lunch break.
(12:45pm - "Room" Re-Opens for afternoon session to SETTLE BACK in class.)
1pm-3:10pm - Afternoon session.
3:10pm - Class ends.
This is a partial agenda only. Full agenda will be mailed to each attendee. Evals & Exam need to be completed by 11:59 pm of the 3rd day of the training.
*Due to the ever changing CMS releases, community restrictions and post-covid vendor availability, course materials may not be produced by our local vendors on time. Manuals and other training materials will be mailed starting approximately 2 weeks before the live stream event. If materials are still available, the last day to mail the materials is 7 days before the training event. Therefore, registration closes 7 days before the event date.
- The printed RAI manual** and other printed training materials will be mailed via Priority Mail or similar alternate delivery service. A tracking number will be emailed once available and can be tracked in www.usps.com (or an alternate mailing service). The packages are mailed starting approximately 2 weeks before the training. MDS/RAI Advisor is not responsible for a package replacement if the USPS (or alternate mailing service) returns that package to us after the exact address used on the package was the same address provided during registration (i.e., the mailing address provided is incorrect, valid or not) or if the recipient is not available to sign for the package upon delivery causing the package to be returned to MDS/RAI Advisor. In this case, digital copies will be emailed to that attendee or be made available for download during the live stream event.
- Digital copies of the training material and extra files a MDS nurse should be familiar with will be sent by mail in a flash drive or by email before the training session:
If by mail: The flash drive is provided for the attendee's own use, at the attendee's own leisure. Therefore, attendees are instructed to check the flash drive upon receipt to make sure it works. Replacement of the files will be made available by email before the training event. We do not send replacements of the flash drives as it can easily get corrupted, i.e., if ejected the wrong way. Some facilities restrict computer use of certain websites or other computer hardware to prevent inappropriate use of website or to prevent malware; therefore, the flash drive may not work with your facility's devices.
If by email: This option is available only if there is no flash drive in stock or if the flash drive received by the attendee did not have files or the attendee was unable to open the files after arrival in the mail and after being checked using different devices. The attendee's email provided during registration will be sent the digital copies that would have been in the flash drive. This option is not available during and after the training event because the attendee would have and should have checked the flash drive beforehand as instructed.
- Slides will be emailed as a pdf file during the week of the event. It is up to the attendee to print their own copy the way they want their slides printed.
- Course Evaluations & Examination: Information will be emailed during the week of the event.
Slides will also be available as digital format during the live stream training event.
MDS/RAI Advisor is not responsible for replacing or resending files after the course has ended. Files are made available before and during the course and it is the responsibility of the attendee to open and check the file timely. (If you lose the file after the training, it is not our responsibility to replace it. This is the same as receiving a file from your English 101 college professor and then a month after you finish the English 101 course, you cannot find the file or cannot open the file: The institution is not responsible for replacing your lost file or a file you did not open before and during the course.)
The week of the event, the following will be emailed to you:
1) Slides (pdf file)
2) Test site online access
An invitation to take the test in an online test site will be provided the week of the event. The online examination will need to be completed (passed with a 70% score within 3 maximum attempts) by 11:59pm on day 3 of the course. After completion of the 3-day training and passing the examination, a digital copy of the Certificate of Completion will be emailed on the next business day. The hardcopy Certificate of Completion with contact hours will be mailed within 7 days.
No additional test time will be given for those who do not follow instructions regarding the online test site.
If, after the training ends, the attendee has problems such as opening an account in the online test site (which should have been done on day 1) or has problems remembering their account information, no additional time is given. MDS/RAI Advisor is not responsible for providing assistance after hours since assistance is offered and explained multiple times during the training event.
**To lessen paper waste and keep the course fee as low as possible, the printed RAI manual includes all 6 chapters except the appendices. The digital copy of the RAI manual includes the appendices which is provided to the attendee (in the flash drive or emailed).
A small token of our appreciation may or may not be included in the training package. Small prizes may be sent by mail for attendee participation. Unfortunately, no replacements can be made if it inadvertently becomes damaged or lost during postal transit.
- Sessions are Pacific Time (PT). Depending on the time of the year, PT can be PST or PDT.
- Do not drive to our office or former training location. Live Stream is a live, online event.
- The sessions are not recordings. There is no rewind button.
- We are not responsible for the attendee's inability to get in the class (or on time) due to the following:
1) The attendee cannot find the link because they did not read their multiple emails that include the link repeatedly.
2) The attendee did not check the link upon receiving the emails. All links are working links auto-generated by Demio.
3) The attendee's device is not working during the event date.
Links that work on our end using different devices mean something is wrong with your device. Thus, do not wait until the last minute to check. Calling us last minute to assist with the links will cause further delay. ​
4) "Work" or "Company" email used during registration and the attendee does not have access at home: We are not responsible for your ability or inability to access your emails. It is your responsibility to get those MDS training information with you wherever you are doing the live stream.
5) The attendee's internet is slow or device battery ran out.
Make sure you have a dependable, working device with the following:
1. Speakers that work (or headphones or portable speakers that are in working condition)
2. Screen that works
3. Dependable internet connection
- If you have internet that keeps logging you out, then it is not a "dependable internet connection". If you cannot hear out of your smartphone "sometimes", then it is not dependable.
Solution: Find another device. Call your internet provider. Do not use the device during the training.
- You need to be familiar with your own device: Know how to use the various volume settings.
We cannot give you orientation as to how you can change the volume setting of your device. Devices may have multiple volume settings.
If you do not have the 3 device requirements mentioned above, please avail these before the session; otherwise, do not take the course.
Solution: Get plug-in headphones or portable speakers.​
If none of the above helped, then you do not have the requirements, i.e., you do not have a working device or a dependable internet. Call us to cancel the course timely to get the refund.
CLICK on the unique link provided in your email to see if it works. (You should see a countdown.) Demio is the live stream platform we will be using. No need to download an app. Any updated device should work.
Using a desktop or a laptop? CLICK here to run an audio/video check or go to https://event.demio.com/system.
Using a smartphone? CLICK here to run an audio/video check or go to https://tokbox.com/developer/tools/precall/
- Find & set up your quiet area with minimal distraction and with a dependable, working internet connection.
- If available, have a back-up device such as an extra tablet, smartphone or laptop and practice using the unique link on it.
- Open your device and make sure it is fully charged or plugged-in. (Smartphones can be used- you may need to swipe left or right to see the slides, instructor or chat room.)
- Use the unique event access link provided by Demio to get in the "room".
- Click on link or copy/paste to your browser to get in the "room".
- Count down should be showing if it is before the start time.
- Web live stream "room" will open 7:30am (Pacific Time) for the morning sessions and 12:45pm (Pacific Time) for the afternoon sessions.
- Audio issues? Slides are not 'moving'? Try these steps:
Refresh the page.
Log out or close the window and log back in.
Check your device volume settings. It usually has multiple audio settings.
Be patient. Your device might have a slight delay connecting with the audio.
If you cannot hear the instructor yet everyone else can hear the instructor, this means something is going on with your device.
Please do not yell at our staff if you are frustrated because you cannot hear out of your device yet everyone else in the class can hear the instructor. Perhaps try the steps below or contact your IT. Inappropriate, unruly behavior is not tolerated and will cause the attendee to be banned from the class- no refund.
Please contact your computer IT (Dell, Microsoft, Apple, etc.) to help fix your device. Unfortunately, one of the requirements for this course is having a dependable, working device. Maybe these steps can help:
1. Clear your cache. Go to your computer settings and clear your browser cache history.
2. Check your browser. The browser might be old and not updated. Sometimes work computers are not updated and employees have limited access. Here are the minimal versions required for each browser-
FOR DESKTOP browsers: Google Chrome 55+, Firefox 53+, Safari 12.1+, Microsoft Edge 42.
FOR MOBILE browsers (examples are smartphones such as iphones or tablets such as galaxy or ipads): iOS and Android OS.
Don't know your browser? Click here. For instructions on how to update your browser, visit your browser's help pages. We recommend using one of these browsers:
3. Call your IT, computer or phone company. (Apple, Dell, Verizon, AT&T and Microsoft have numbers you can call and they really do help.)
4. Use a different device, like a tablet or another smartphone.
MDS/RAI Advisor is not responsible for internet connection issues the attendee may experience due to issues caused by the attendee's internet provider. Connectivity issues not due to MDS/RAI Advisor's platform are not eligible for a refund. (Example, if during the Audio/Visual check at 7:30am went well for you and then an hour later, the event can actively be seen and heard by attendees with no problems but you can no longer see or hear the presentation, then your internet provider or device has issues.) Do not panic! Take note of the topic or slide number. If more than 10% loss of information was due to the attendee's internet provider connection problem, the topic will be reviewed at the end of the training or the attendee may be invited to the next session, if available. MDS/RAI Advisor is not responsible for internet connection issues the attendee may experience due to the attendee's own internet provider.
However, if it is found that MDS/RAI Advisor's internet provider has caused a disruption (because it is obvious that no one can hear or see the presentation) during the training causing more than 10% loss of information due to connectivity issue, MDS/RAI Advisor will reschedule or provide a full refund.
Live Stream Events: Certification of Completion will be awarded if 70% of the examination answers are correct within the maximum of 3 attempts by 11:59pm of the final training day and course attendance must show at least 13 class hours (attendance hours includes participation in the attendee's online engagement during Q&A or polls sections of the course). The official hard copy of the certificate will be mailed within a week after passing the examination. Digital copy will be emailed the next business day after passing the examination.
Continuing education contact hours will be awarded to attendees who pass the examination by 11:59 pm of the final day of the MDS training if record shows at least 13 hours of attendance. Lunch and break times are not included because the training is not going on during those times. Full or partial continuing education contact hours cannot be awarded for attendance of less than 13 hours. If unable to pass the exam by the third attempt, Certificate of Completion cannot be awarded.
POSTAL MAIL: Call to reserve a seat first! Why? Delay in delivery may not guarantee a seat if we are not aware you are paying by mail due to risk of mail being lost. Click here for instructions. Requires manual registration form. (Click here to print out. Form is best in Adobe format.) Registration by mail is a slower process so please do so ASAP if this is your preference.
ATTENTION STATE, CalVET & VA HOSPITALS: Please call for pre-arrangements such as reserving seats. We will gladly hold seats for you to accommodate the additional time you may need to process the paperwork.
EMAIL: Requires manual registration form. (Click here to download. Please use Adobe for best format). Click here for instructions.
If seats are not available, a waiting list will be started. If there is any cancellation, those on waiting list may take the available spot. Waiting list is first come, first serve AND closes when registration closes.
Recommended: At least 1 to 2 months SNF, LTC Facility or Non-CAH Swing Bed Facility work experience within the last 5 years in California or any non-case mix states. This is not a requirement but it is a recommendation: You know yourself best!
Decent sleep the night before the event.
Dependable internet connection
Dependable working device with working screen and working speaker: Desktop, laptop, tablet or Smartphone
Accessible email address

1) No sharing of live stream class link: There is no sharing of the live stream access link. If another attendee uses the same link, one will have no record of attendance. No recorded minutes of attendance means no CE contact hours and no Certificate of Completion, even if the examination was passed.
2) It is the attendee’s responsibility to notify the instructor in advance of a need for accommodation of a disability.
3) It is the responsibility of the attendee to read and review the course webpage regarding the course information and policies before registering and paying for the course.
1) Disruptive and inappropriate behavior, comments or actions towards another individual are not allowed while the course is in session. Be polite and respectful toward others.
2) Aggravated behavior before and during any event, in any form of communication (live stream platform, phone call, email, text, in-person, etc.) will not be tolerated.
3) Videotaping of the course while in session is not allowed.
Anyone not in accordance to the Code of Conduct will not be allowed to enter or continue the course as we strive to provide the best possible training accommodations. The attendee will automatically be banned. MDS/RAI Advisor has the right to refuse business with unruly individuals.
LIVE STREAM ONLY: MDS/RAI Advisor will honor cancellations up to 3 days before the event. Because we are mailing the materials and will not be able to retrieve them, we will process the refund minus the cost of the manual and other training materials (Effective 02/14/24: $290) sent to you with the applicable administrative processing cancellation fee ($60). (Updated 10/23/2023)
Cancellations must be in writing- email or by postal mail received by MDS/RAI ADVISOR.
ALL cancellations are subject to an administrative processing cancellation fee:
For the 3-day MDS 3.0 Training, each attendee subject to a $60 administrative processing cancellation fee.
Once your written notification of cancellation is received, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your notification of cancellation. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your request for a refund.
If you are approved, then your refund will be processed and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment, within 14 days.
Refunds will be processed with the applicable administrative processing cancellation fee and minus the training materials cost if the following conditions apply:
1) Cancellations (in writing) for live-stream events: 3 days prior to the event, at the latest. For example: Email to cancel by April 09, 2023 11:59pm (Pacific Time) for the April 13-15, 2023 session.
2) Cancellations made after the cancellation deadline (see number 1) with proof of survey or proof of emergency/hospitalization of attendee provided to MDS/RAI ADVISOR. Proof provided after the training event is not eligible for a refund. Important note: If notification of proof of survey or proof of emergency/hospitalization of attendee is provided before the actual training event, attendee has the option of transferring to next training date equivalent to the same type of course, depending on seat availability, if the course is available and is transferable only one time within 3 months.
Refunds not applicable for the following conditions:*
1) All cancellations after 11:59pm (Pacific) of the 3 days prior the live stream event and after 11:59pm (Pacific) of the 10 days prior the in-person event are not eligible for a refund. Attendee will be responsible for full registration fee and forfeits all class materials and seats are no longer transferable.
2) "No Shows". Attendee will be responsible for full registration fee and forfeits all class materials and seats are no longer transferable.
3) Proof of survey or proof of emergency/hospitalization of attendee provided to MDS/RAI ADVISOR after training event is not eligible for a refund. Attendee will be responsible for full registration fee and forfeits all class materials and seats are no longer transferable.
4) Transferring seats after the allowable cancellation deadline due to proof of survey or proof of emergency/hospitalization means the attendee has notified MDS/RAI Advisor of not being able to attend the originally scheduled course after the cancellation deadline and therefore, not eligible for a refund. In such a case, the attendee cannot be refunded if they cancel the next session they have chosen to transfer their seat.
Seats are transferable for the following conditions:
1) Seats are transferable only if request (in writing- email or mail) is made by the cancellation deadline of the training event- only for same equivalent course, depending on seat availability, if the course is available and one time only within 3 months.
2) If notification of proof of survey or proof of emergency/hospitalization of attendee is provided before the actual training event, attendee has the option of transferring to next training date equivalent to the same type of course, depending on seat availability, if the course is available and is transferable only one time within 3 months.
3) Another person can substitute your spot in the class if we are notified by email by the cancellation deadline of the event, one time only.
For those transferring seats after the allowable cancellation deadline (with proof of survey or emergency/hospitalization) means the attendee has notified MDS/RAI Advisor of not being able to attend the originally scheduled course after the cancellation deadline. In such a case, the attendee cannot be refunded if they cancel the next session they have chosen to transfer their seat.
If the materials change such as a new manual version gets updated by CMS for the session they transferred to, the attendee will be provided a digital copy of the the new version and it is up to the attendee to have it printed on their own. If available as an option, the attendee can provide additional payment via an invoice to cover the new, updated RAI manual.
​Disputes for refunds where the dispute is won by MDS/RAI Advisor against the customer's credit card company or bank: To prevent future disputes, the customer who does not understand or read the cancellation and refund policies will not be allowed to attend any future courses.
Updated 12/10/2023
In an event that MDS/RAI ADVISOR cancels:
In an event that MDS/RAI ADVISOR cancels due to an extreme emergency, full refund of the course will be provided and attendee will be notified by phone and/or email as early as possible. MDS/RAI ADVISOR has the right to refuse service if attendee is disruptive and/or at anytime, if safety issues are of concern. MDS/RAI ADVISOR is not responsible for any charges incurred by attendee.
Other types of cancellations such as bounced checks, please read Cancellation and Refund Policies page.
Lost your Certificate of Completion or need a replacement?
Request for replacement certificate can be emailed to info@mdsadvisor.org with attendee's name, training date and phone number. Once verified via the "Sign-In Sheet" that you have attended the training, an invoice will be emailed back to you for $20 service fee. The invoice has a "Pay Now" button for instant credit card payment. A digital copy of the Certificate of Completion will be emailed to you within 72 hours of receipt of payment. Only digital copies can be provided. No refunds will be provided due to digital format is being sent via email. Correction request of information that was provided during registration after the Certificate of Completion has been mailed or printed is a request for replacement. See Terms and Conditions for full details.
Updated 11/08/2024