This is where one can start learning about MDS!
Are you a beginner? Anyone with little to no experience with the MDS or anyone with experience who needs a formal class to show proof of competence regarding the MDS process will need the MDS 3.0 Training.
Are you currently involved in completing MDS assessments? Anyone who has MDS experience and need a refresher or updates should attend the MDS 3.0 Refresher Course or PDPM-Related Training. These two courses vary from a 1-hour to a 6-hour schedule, depending on the latest updates from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The following are live, specialized MDS-related training in LIVE STREAM format:
The following are specific MDS Sections presented in LIVE STREAM format:
The only non-live course is the Competency Course, a self-study, self-paced, self-review of the most recent revisions of the RAI MDS 3.0 during the last 2 years.
Starting 2021, MDS/RAI Advisor's courses have incorporated the following:
What is “implicit bias?” Implicit (subconscious) bias refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions and decisions in an unconscious manner.1 These biases, which encompass both favorable and unfavorable assessments, are activated involuntarily and without an individual’s awareness or intentional control.2
The Joint Commission has listed some of the following actions that health care providers can take to combat implicit bias, include:
1) Having a basic understanding of the cultures from which your patients come.
2) Avoiding stereotyping your patients; individuate them.
3) Understanding and respecting the magnitude of unconscious bias.
4) Using techniques to de-bias patient care, which include training, intergroup contact, perspective-taking, emotional expression, and counter-stereotypical exemplars.
If you have any further questions on this new requirement, please email the Continuing Education and Research Unit at BRNCEP@dca.ca.gov.
1. Staats C. State of the science: Implicit bias review 2014. Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity.
2. Rudman LA. Social justice in our minds, homes, and society: The nature, causes and consequences of implicit bias. Social Justice Research, 17(2):129-142.
3. The Joint Commission, Division of Health Care Improvement, Quick Safety, An Advisory on Safety and Quality Issues, Issue 23, April 2016
As a Continuing Education Provider (CEP) for the Board of Registered Nursing (Board), MDS/RAI Advisor will be incorporating a new law impacting continuing education course requirements. Assembly Bill 241 was signed into law in October 2, 2019 and added section 2736.5 to the Business and Professions Code (BPC). This law mandates the Board to adopt regulations to require that, beginning January 1, 2022, all continuing education courses for Registered Nurse (RN) licensees contain curriculum that includes the understanding of implicit bias. This new requirement will be ongoing and beginning January 1, 2023, CEPs must ensure that all continuing education courses offered for RN licensees contains curriculum that includes the understanding of implicit bias and the Board will audit CEPs for this requirement.